Rv Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller

Thermacell Patio Shield: Mosquito-Free Evenings

Summertime means enjoying the great outdoors, but mosquitoes can quickly ruin the fun. Enter the Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller, a game-changing solution for keeping these pests at bay.

This innovative device promises to create a 15-foot zone of mosquito protection without the need for sprays, DEET, or open flames. Let’s dive into how effective it truly is.

Having tried several mosquito repellents over the years, I was curious about the Thermacell Patio Shield. Setting it up was straightforward, and within 15 minutes, I noticed a significant reduction in mosquito activity around my patio.

I did find that using two units provided better coverage for my 20×12 foot deck. It’s crucial to turn the device on a bit before heading outside and to position it strategically for the best results.

Mosquito Protection That Works

Thermacell Patio-Shield Mosquito Repeller

Thermacell effectively keeps mosquitoes up to 15FT away. Works fast, get max protection in 15 minutes. Easy to use. Portable device is ideal for backyard, poolside, patio, and beyond. The device is designed to offer a quick and efficient solution for repelling mosquitoes, ensuring that you can enjoy outdoor activities without the nuisance of mosquito bites. Its portability means you can place it in various locations around your home or take it with you on trips, making it a versatile tool for mosquito control.

Effective 15FT Zone Technology

Thermacell Patio-Shield Mosquito Repeller

Engineered to precisely diffuse repellent, creating a 15-foot zone of mosquito protection. Consistent repellent protection won’t weaken over time. Powered by a safe and compact fuel cartridge. This technology ensures that the repellent is spread evenly within the designated area, providing uniform protection against mosquitoes. The use of a fuel cartridge makes it easy to maintain and operate, eliminating the need for frequent replacements and ensuring consistent performance throughout its usage.

Repel Mosquitoes In Air, Not On Your Skin

Thermacell Patio-Shield Mosquito Repeller

Repel mosquitoes without DEET sprays or lotions on your skin. Unscented repellent mats last up to 4 hours each and change color when time to replace. No smoke, no flame and easy to refill. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who prefer not to apply chemical repellents directly to their skin. The unscented mats provide a hassle-free solution that doesn’t interfere with your activities, and the color change indicator allows for easy monitoring of the mat’s effectiveness, ensuring timely replacements.

Proprietary Formula

Thermacell Patio-Shield Mosquito Repeller

Independently tested and EPA reviewed for safety and effectiveness. People and pet friendly. This proprietary formula has been rigorously tested to ensure that it provides reliable mosquito protection without posing any risk to humans or animals. The EPA review adds an extra layer of assurance regarding its safety and effectiveness, making it a trusted choice for households with pets and children.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Thermacell Patio-Shield Mosquito Repeller

Extend warranty to 2 years with registration (automatic 1-year warranty included). Backed by Thermacell Guarantee (see packaging for details). This satisfaction guarantee underscores the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s performance. The option to extend the warranty to two years provides additional peace of mind, ensuring that any potential issues can be addressed promptly. The detailed packaging information helps users understand the terms and conditions of the guarantee, making it easier to take full advantage of the offered benefits.

User Reviews and Feedback

With over 44,000 reviews and a rating of 4.2 out of 5, the Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller has garnered significant user feedback. Many users praise its effectiveness in reducing mosquito presence, though some note that using multiple units may be necessary for larger areas. This extensive feedback highlights the product’s overall positive reception while providing insights into optimal usage scenarios. Prospective buyers can glean valuable information from these reviews to make an informed decision.

Portability and Convenience

The compact and lightweight design of the Thermacell Patio Shield makes it extremely portable. Users have found it convenient for various settings, including backyards, campsites, and patios. Its ease of use and portability are key features that enhance its appeal, making it a versatile choice for those who need a reliable mosquito repellent for different locations. The device’s portability ensures that users can enjoy its benefits wherever they go, without being confined to a single spot.

Refill and Maintenance

The device includes a 12-hour refill, and additional refills are readily available. Users have highlighted that the repellent mats last up to four hours each and are easy to replace. Some reviews mention that the cost of replacements can add up, but many agree that the effectiveness justifies the expense. The straightforward refill process ensures that the device remains functional with minimal hassle, and the availability of refills means that users can continue to enjoy mosquito-free environments without interruption.

Environmental and Health Considerations

The Thermacell Patio Shield is DEET-free and scent-free, making it a safer option for those concerned about chemical exposure. Its repellent formula has been independently tested and reviewed by the EPA, ensuring it is safe for both people and pets. This consideration is crucial for users who prioritize health and environmental safety, providing them with a reliable mosquito repellent that aligns with their values. The absence of DEET and scent enhances its usability, especially for individuals with sensitivities.

Overall Value

Priced at $20.97, the Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller offers a cost-effective solution for mosquito control. While some users note the recurring cost of refills, the device’s effectiveness and convenience make it a worthwhile investment. The combination of affordability, ease of use, and proven performance positions it as a valuable addition to any outdoor setting. Users can weigh the initial cost against the long-term benefits to determine its overall value for their specific needs.


  • Highly effective at repelling mosquitoes within a 15-foot zone.
  • Easy to use and portable, making it ideal for various outdoor settings.
  • DEET-free, scent-free, and no need for candles or flames.


  • Effective range may be smaller than advertised, requiring multiple units for larger areas.
  • Repellent mats need to be replaced every 4 hours and may dry out if not used continuously.
  • Replacement parts can be expensive.


Overall, the Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller has proven to be an effective solution for enjoying outdoor spaces without the hassle of mosquitos. It’s easy to use, portable, and safe for both people and pets.

While it may not cover as large an area as advertised, using multiple units can enhance its effectiveness. For anyone looking to make their patio mosquito-free, this device is definitely worth considering.

Questions & Answers:

Question: How long does the repellent mat last?

Answer: Each repellent mat lasts up to 4 hours and changes color to indicate when it needs to be replaced.

Question: Is the device safe for pets?

Answer: Yes, the Thermacell Patio Shield is independently tested and EPA reviewed for safety and effectiveness, making it people and pet friendly.

Question: Does the device work immediately upon activation?

Answer: No, it takes about 15 minutes for the device to heat up and start effectively repelling mosquitoes.

Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller, Blue; Highly Effective Mosquito Repellent for…
  • MOSQUITO PROTECTION THAT WORKS: Thermacell effectively keeps mosquitoes up to 15FT away. Works fast, get max protection in 15 minutes. Easy to use. Portable device is ideal for backyard, poolside, patio, and beyond.